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Camp Info

Camp Information

Summer Sewing Camp

(Beginner Level – Ages 8-16)

What will the children learn during their week at camp?

During this week of camp, your child will learn the following:

  1. How To Use A Sewing Machine
  2. Sewing Safety
  3. How To Pin
  4. How To Cut
  5. How To Straight Stitch
  6. How To Zig Zag Stitch
  7. Fabric
  8. Patterns
  9. Measuring Techniques
  10. Basic Stitches By Hand
What projects will your child work on during their week at camp?

Your child will work on and make four diferent projects during the week.

How many campers are in each session?

Because 1 on 1 interaction works most effectively with this type of skill development, camp sessions are limited to 7-8 students per session.

What days of the week and at what times will the camp sessions be held?

Each camp session will be held for one week: Monday - Friday

Time of each day's session: 9:30-11:30AM or 1pm - 3pm depending on the week you choose to attend


What equipment and supplies will your child need to participate?

All equipment, sewing tools and patterns are provided for your child.

A list of supplies and materials for each project will be provided upon registration. Your child will need to supply material, thread, and other notions for each project. Don't hesitate to look in your fabric stash that you may have or that grandma may have. You don't need to spend a lot of $$ on materials.

How much does the camp cost?

The Cost of the camp is only $125

4th of July week of camp is 4 days, $100       

However, if you signup for camp before May 10, 2024, the cost is only $115 (full week) or $90 (4th of July Week)

Where is the camp located?

The instructors home is located in Mount Airy behind Sam Hill Estates (Harvest Ridge community) across from the Rattlewood Golf Course on Penn Shop Rd.

Directions to the camp location will be given after registration has been confirmed.


Camp Materials List

The list of materials for each project will be emailed to you once I receive your registration.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at
Happy fabric shopping!